Corals have evolved to feed at night when it is safe to extend their feeding polyps. The lack of coral polyp predators in our systems means that it is possible to entice your coral to feed during the day. If you introduce a small amount of food 5 mins before you intend feeding it trains the coral to extend its polyps and be ready for the main meal.
If possible turn off sump pump/filter pump for 10 to 20 min while you feed, leaving the circulation pumps on to keep the food in suspension.
Mix the food with a small amount of tank water and target each coral using a turkey baster. If you cannot turn off the main pump still use the above delivery system but add the food upstream of your corals and allow it to circulate. If you do not have a turkey baster place a pinch directly under the water in an area of fast flow.
- Depending on population density, feed daily or every other day
- Use one scoop of SPS food for every 50 L of water. For heavily stocked aquariums use two scoops for every 50 L. For best results mix with a small quantity of aquarium water and add to water flow
- Ensure the coral is positioned with sufficient flow to allow waste food particles to be removed
- Do not put wet fingers in the pot
- Store in a cool dry place